Friday, April 19, 2013

TIME Magazine's latest 2013 Top 100 Most Influential People edition features Grupo Vidanta and its founder Mr. Daniel Chavez Moran

Mexican resort specialist Grupo Vidanta is gearing up to launch six new luxury brands throughout Latin America.  A visionary group that has contributed to the socioeconomic development of Mexico for more than 35 years, Vidanta invests in some of the region’s most spectacular vacation destinations, responding to market demands with stunning, state-of-the-art establishments.

Two of its brands, the Grand Mayan, which is present in Nuevo Vallarta, Acapulco, Riviera Maya and Los Cabos, the Grand Bliss, in Nuevo Vallarta, have earned the AAA Four Diamond Award for delivering a luxurious experience with top-notch services and amenities.  “Mexico is the land of opportunity”, says Vidanta founder Daniel Chavez Moran.  “Even if we were not Mexican, we would invest in Mexico, because it is about to take off in a big way.  The workforce here is second to none.  We employ around 14,000 workers, and this year were voted eighth-best company to work for.  Our employees are more than happy with us, and this filters down to the service provision.”

With its aim of keeping its sites exclusive, Vidanta veers away from the all-inclusive concept, believing that a quality service offering best value will be most beneficial for its guests.  “We are often full or at least at 80% occupancy throughout the year, so it’s a good strategy and ultimately the most profitable,” Chavez Moran says.  “We are currently building more than 120,000 square meters a year, which works out at between 500 and 600 rooms of 200 meters a year.  Our prices are not the lowest in the industry, but we’re sure they offer the best value for the money.

“As a businessman, I would say to investors: ‘Stay where you are, I don’t want any more competitors’’.  But as a Mexican, I would tell them to come,” Chavez Moran says.  Mexico is the best place in the world and now offers the opportunity of a lifetime.”

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daniel Chavez Moran of Vidanta Foundation Selected to Join the United Nations Advisory Council of Citizen Safety Project

Daniel Chavez Moran, Mexico
Daniel Chavez Moran, Mexico
Founder of Grupo Vidanta to join new Council created by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with dignitaries in policy, academia, business, media and civil society
The Regional Directorate for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has created a new Advisory Council of Citizen Safety Project. Its goal is to produce a comprehensive Report on Citizen Safety and Development as part of its Citizen Security and Governance area. Mr. Daniel Chavez Moran, founder of Grupo Vidanta and Vidanta Foundation, has been chosen as one of a select group of distinguished individuals to join the Council. Mr. Moran is the first and only businessman from all of Mexico handpicked to join the Council, receiving this distinguished honor based on his breadth of knowledge ranging from the private sector to public policy.

The process started in September 2011 and is scheduled to be completed in mid-2013, and will include a final diagnosis of the Latin America insecurity situation, data collection, case analysis and policy recommendations. Rafael Fernandez de Castro, former Presidential Advisor to President Felipe Calderon of Mexico and Head of the Academic Department of International Studies at ITAM, Mexico will lead coordination efforts.

The Council includes several high profile individuals:

-Daniel Chavez Moran, founder of Grupo Vidanta and Vidanta Foundation

-Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico

-Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile

- Beatriz Paredes, former Senator of Mexico

- Adriana Cisneros, Vice Chairman of the Board and Director of Strategy, Cisneros Group

-Bill Bratton, former Commissioner for the New York Police Department and the Los Angeles Police Department

-Heraldo Muñoz, UN Secretary General Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations Program for Development

-Alvaro Saieh, President of Corp Group Interhold S.A.

-Tabaré Vazquez, former President of Uraguay

-Gregory F. Traverton, Director, RAND Center for Global Risk and Security

-Norman Quijano, Mayor of San Salvador, El Salvador

-Carlos Romero, Interior Minister of Bolivia

-Ana Palacio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs for Spain, Member of the State Council of Spain

One of the UNDP’s priorities is to create processes for analysis, consultation, consensus-building, strategizing and citizen involvement to contribute towards a better understanding and treatment of the major public policy challenge of citizen security. It was decided to create an Advisory Council of Citizen Safety Project composed of various present and former Latin American presidents, distinguished representatives of academic, politics, the mass media, civil society and the private sector. The Council will be the main advisory body towards the proposed stated objectives.

Daniel Chavez Moran founded Grupo Vidanta in 1974, a business dedicated to the development of luxury hotels and resorts in Mexico. In 2010, CNN named him one of the top 100 most important businessmen in Mexico. In 2005, he retired from his executive positions to focus on philanthropic endeavors. In 2005, he founded the non-profit organization  Vidanta Foundation  whose primary aim is the reduction of poverty in Latin America through the promotion of economic development, social sciences and culture.

Learn more about the Regional Directorate for Latin America and the Caribbean of the UNDP at

Daniel Chavez Moran's Legacy Lives On

Vidanta Foundation's "Lifetime Achievement" Award, 2013

This is an open call for all applicants to submit for consideration for the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Total prize monies of $100,000 USD will be granted to an individual or non-profit organization which most convincingly shows achievements in fighting the problem of poverty, inequality and discrimination in the Americas and the Caribbean.

This award will be funded generously by the Vidanta Foundation, in cooperation with the OAS (Organization of American States) and the IASG (Ibero-American Secretary General).

Mr. Daniel Chavez Moran's legacy lives on in the continuing efforts of others. Best wishes to all applicants.
Photo of Daniel Chavez Moran Grupo Vidanta Mr. Daniel Chavez Moran, circa 1978. Real estate developer and philanthropist.